Ambrosia, often known as the “food of the gods,” gets a modern, keto-friendly makeover in this indulgent yet healthy recipe. This High Protein Keto Ambrosia is a guilt-free dessert or snack that fits perfectly into a low-carb lifestyle. Packed with creamy coconut, tangy Greek yogurt with the added Tasteless Whey, this ambrosia is not only delicious but also designed to nourish. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or treating yourself, this easy recipe is bound to wow anyone’s taste buds without compromising on health goals!
300 ml full-fat coconut cream (chilled)
150 g Greek-style natural yogurt (unsweetened, like Jalna)
3 scoops Tasteless Whey by Feel Good Protein
2-3 tbsps powdered erythritol or monk fruit sweetener (adjust to taste, e.g., Lakanto or Truvia brand)
1 tsp vanilla extract
50 g desiccated coconut (unsweetened)
150 g fresh or frozen berries (e.g., raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries)
50 g toasted almond flakes
20 g sugar-free dark chocolate chips (Noshu)
1. Chill the coconut cream in the fridge for at least 4 hours. Scoop out the thick cream and discard any watery liquid.
2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the coconut cream, Greek yogurt, tasteless protein powder, erythritol, and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy.
3. In a dry pan over low heat, toast the desiccated coconut until lightly golden and aromatic. Set aside to cool.
4. Gently fold half of the toasted coconut, berries, almond flakes, and dark chocolate chips into the cream mixture.
5. Spoon the ambrosia mixture into serving bowls or glasses.
6. Sprinkle the remaining toasted coconut, a few extra berries, and chocolate chips on top for garnish. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours to let the flavours meld.
Serving Tips
Serve chilled as a dessert or snack.
Optionally, drizzle with a little sugar-free chocolate syrup for extra decadence.
The recipe makes 8 servings. Per 100g:
Protein – 10g
Carbs – 8g
Fat – 22g
Calories – 263