Creating a brand that our community can fall in love with ❤️
We began as a small online store in 2015 and since then have grown to service over 130,000+ customers in both the bariatric and general well-being communities.
Our purpose has always been to make a positive difference in the lives of many, no matter where they are on their journey.
We’re more than a business, we’re a family!
From humble beginnings, founder Christopher Luong was born in Australia and is a loving son to his parents whose father is a refuge from the Vietnam War. Though born into a family who was poor in wealth, he is grateful to be rich from the love of his family.
Christopher established the business with the goal of giving that love back to everyone he could, by providing support and creating products to suit the needs of the bariatric community and anyone wanting to make a positive change to their lifestyle. He had a passion and dedication to focus on customer centricity and giving back to the community in various ways to thank those who had chosen to support the business.
With the core focus put into product development and customer care, our Cost Price Supplements logo was left behind.
Say hello to the new CPS brand!
We’re proud to announce that is it finally time that we can upgrade our logo to reflect more of who we are and what we stand for. ❤️
We know that each customer’s journey is different. This is why we’re here to create a supportive environment that inspires trust and confidence. We value and acknowledge our communities’ feelings.
Our logo has been modernised to reflect more of who we are, but the core of our branding remains.
We are supportive. 🤗
We are passionate. 🔥
We are visionary. 🤩
Our imagery is bright, fun, and inclusive.
How do you like our new look?
We hope you love our new brand as much as we do! ❤️
Over the next coming months you might notice our brand rolling out across our social media channels and website, alongside with our new print material inside your orders.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or queries you may have!