Vital Zing Protein Gummies

Vital Zing Protein Gummies

Introducing Vital Zing Protein Gummies—a delightful and nutritious treat with zero carbs and fat! These gummies combine Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein with edible gelatine and your favourite Vital Zing flavour for a fun, high-protein snack. Customise them to be sweet or sour to suit your taste. Simply follow the easy recipe, chill them in the fridge, and enjoy a guilt-free indulgence. For an extra zing, sprinkle with citric acid powder before serving!


3 scoops Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
250 mls of boiling water
2 heaped tbsps gelatine powder
20–30 drops of your favourite Vital Zing Water Drops Flavour Enhancer (or adjust to taste)
Citric Acid if you like a little sour flavour


1. Add 3 scoops of Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein into 125 ml of boiling water. Whisk until well combined.

2. Add in the gelatine and mix again.

4. Add in the other 125 mls of boiling water and mix until everything is perfectly combined.

5. Add 20 – 30 drops of your favourite Vital Zing Water Drops Flavour Enhancer and stir again.

6. Use a dropper to fill your moulds.

7. Allow your gummies to set totally in the fridge.

8. Carefully turn the Vital Zing Protein Gummies out of the moulds and sprinkle very lightly with citric acid powder if you enjoy a sour kick!

Store in the fridge.

Macros For The Whole Recipe

Protein – 66g
Carbs – 0g
Fat – 0g

To get an accurate macronutrient count per gummy, please divide these macros by the number of gummies.

Ingredients and Equipment
Tasteless Protein and Vital Zing
Fill The Mould
Featuring Tasteless Protein and Vital Zing
Vital Zing Protein Gummies and Tasteless Protein
Vital Zing Orange With Vital Zing Protein Gummies
Vital Zing Protein Snake Gummies
Unicorn Shaped Vital Zing Protein Gummy