High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls

High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls

Calling out for all baking enthusiasts and dessert lovers out there to give our High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls a hot go. Simple and easy to prepare, this recipe is perfect for all skill levels – whether you’re just learning to bake or already know your way around kitchen. With few simple tweaks to the ingredients, our High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls are great in the macro department and we’re sure will be loved by all.

Ingredients for High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls

350 grams Smart Protein Plain Flour by Vetta
4 scoops of Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
1 cup Greek Yoghurt
2 tbsp Baking Powder
1/3 cup Butter
1/3 cup Brown Sugar Replacement by Swerve Cinnamon

Method for High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C and line a lamington tin or similar with baking paper.

Into a food processor (or a large mixing bowl), place all of the ingredients, except for the butter and the brown sugar replacement.

Mix these ingredients until they come together nicely in your food processor.

Take the dough out of the bowl, then turn it onto a clean and floured bench or onto grease proof paper.

Roll the dough out with a rolling pin until a rectangle is formed.

Brush the surface of the dough with melted butter.

Sprinkle over brown sugar and cinnamon and then roll the dough up to form a log.

Cut the log into 10 equal sections and then place those sections face up into the lamington tin. 

Brush with melted butter and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Once out of the oven, top it with a mixture of Icing sugar replacement and lemon juice or leave them as they are. Enjoy and share your delicious High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls with everyone (or not)!

Macros makes for 10 Scrolls

Calories per scroll 185
Carbs – 22 grams
Protein – 13 grams
Fat – 7 grams

Ingredients for Cinnamon Scrolls
Tasteless Protein on Dough
Brush Using Melted Butter
Brown Sugar on Dough
Cinnamon Scrolls Ready for Bake
High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls Out of Oven
High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls Ready
Dig into our High Protein Cinnamon Scroll
High Protein Cinnamon Scrolls Served
Tasteless Protein and a Pieace of the Cinnamon Scroll