Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream

Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream Thumbnail

Indulge in the deliciousness of our glorious Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream for an easy and quick protein hit – it makes the perfect guilt free dessert. We wont blame you if you want to (secretly) recreate this over and over again – we would do the same!


1 cup frozen banana
1 tablespoon Coco Powder
4 Scoops Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
1 tablespoon Almond Milk
¼ cup Noshu Dark Choc Chips


To make the perfect Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream, place everything except for the Chocolate Chips into your blender cup.

Blend until everything is combined well and the texture is very smooth.

Before serving, top with Choc Chips and enjoy your delicious sweet

Enjoy the Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream with your family (or yourself).

Note: We find that a blender works best for this, but you can get a wonderful result in a food processor. Though with food processor, you may just need to blend things for longer to achieve the same level of smoothness.


Calories per 85 grams – 141
Carbs – 18 grams
Protein – 16 grams
Fat – 2 grams

Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream Ingredients
Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream
Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream with Tasteless Protein
Biscuit Dipped
Hand Picking Up the Biscuit
Inside of Chocolate Chip Protein Nice Cream