Feel Good Noodle Jars

Feel Good Noodle Jars Thumbnail

Consider your lunch idea sorted with our Feel Good Noodle Jars. Not only they are easy and convenient to carry, these delicious noodle jars are high in protein, full of flavour and super healthy – perfect for kids and grown-ups, whether for school lunch or for work.

We recommend to store these Feel Good Noodle Jars in fridge, then grab them out and pour the boiling water before serving.

Note: These reusable jars are from Kmart. However, feel free to source your own from different store or opt out using a bowl for dine in purpose.


Tinned Tuna or other protein source (or tofu for vegetarian option)
Carrots finely sliced
Wombok cabbage
Red onion
Chili (omit this ingredient if you are not a fan)
Miso single serve packets
Vegeta seasoning
½ Tsp ginger
½ Tsp garlic
Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
Vermicelli noodles
Boiling water

Method for Feel Good Noodle Jars

Chop up your vegetables very finely and prepare your jars.

Then, layer all of the ingredients into the jar starting with the protein first.

Afterwards, add Tasteless protein to the jar (or add the tasteless protein into the boiling water) and then pour it over the top of everything. Be sure to cover everything in the jar with the boiling water. Enjoy the Fell Good Noodle Jars!

This recipe has a fabulous way to meal prep and as long as you have access to a kettle to boil water, then lunch will be sorted.

Note: As this is a measure with your heart type of situation, Macros are not included. However, by adding just one scoop of Tasteless Protein Complete to your Noodle Jar, you are increasing the protein count by 14.2 grams!

Ingredients for Noodle Jars
Feel Good Noodle Jars Ready to be Assembled
Tasteless Protein and Miso Sachet
Feel Good Noodle Jars with Tasteless Protein and Miso
Feel Good Noodle Jars
Feel Good Noodle Jars Prepared
Tasteless Protein Beside Noodle Jars
Miso Going in a Noodle Jar
Water Going in a Noodle Jar
Inside Feel Good Noodle Jars
Feel Good Noodle Jars After Water Poured