Hosting a Halloween night?! 🎃🎃🎃 These look absolutely fabulous! They are super cute and really easy to make.
Try these capsicum Jack O Lanterns filled with taco mince with our Tasteless Protein mixed in. They are sure to spook your guests just a lil’ 👻😊
Read our recipe below or watch the video to see how these are made.
4 Orange capsicums
Teaspoon salt
Half teaspoon pepper
Teaspoon onion powder
Teaspoon basil leaves
One brown onion
Teaspoon crushed garlic
250 g lean beef mince
1 cup grated vegetables
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
2 scoops of Tasteless Protein
Half cup ricotta cheese
Optional Splash of Red Wine
Optional Parmesan cheese
Seed and carve your Orange Capsicums.
Add the brown onion, crushed garlic, dried basil leaves, onion powder, salt and pepper to a pan and start cooking.
Add a little bit of water to ensure ingredients are mixed, and the onion is slightly browning.
Add the 1 cup of grated vegetables to the onion on the pan.
Add the mince to the vegetables and start to cook through.
Once the mince has browned, add the 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce. Mix through.
Then add the ricotta cheese and Tasteless Protein.
Stuff capsicum with mince filling adding optional sauce and cheese to the top