Rainbow Salad with Protein Dressing

Tasteless Protein Inside Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing

Feast on our beautiful Rainbow Salad with Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing and stay on track with your protein goals. Vegetables, fruit and berries – all the colourful ingredients your eyes, mouths and tummies will enjoy, coupled with home made Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing (store bought dressing is fine too). Because eating fresh salads doesn’t mean neglecting your protein intake!

Ingredients – Rainbow Salad

Tuscan Cabbage (or Baby Spinach)
Radicchio (or Red Cabbage)
Tomatoes (We used a yellow Heirloom and grape)
Continental Cucumber
Grated Carrot

Ingredients – Protein Dressing

Fresh Mint
One small Heirloom Tomato
2 scoops Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
2 tablespoons Date Syrup
1 tablespoon Mustard
2 tablespoons of Mingle – Holy Moly Guacamole Seasoning
½ cup Apple Cider Vinegar

Method – Rainbow Salad

To assemble your salad, ensure all of your produce are washed. This is a great job for little kitchen helpers or anyone around the kitchen who are eager to help!

Place your choice of ingredients into your serving bowl and lay them out in a manner that is pleasing to your eyes! You are only limited by your imagination and bowl size here! Use only the things you will enjoy.

Method – Protein Dressing

Firstly, place all ingredients into a bowl and stir well.

Rest it to give Tasteless Protein few minutes to dissolve. Afterward, blitz this dressing in your blender, but in this recipe, we prefer them chunky.

Now, enjoy your Rainbow Salad with Protein Dressing!

Do what you think you will love the most at this step – there is no right or wrong way to make this!

Macros for Protein Dressing

Calories in whole amount 259
Protein 30 grams
Carbs 35 grams
FAT 1 gram

Ingredients for Rainbow Salad
Carrot Chopped Rainbow Salad
Radish Chopped for Rainbow Salad
Rainbow Salad Incomplete
Rainbow Salad Complete
Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing
Tasteless Protein Inside the Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing
Tasteless Protein on Rainbow Salad with Tomato Salsa Protein
Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing Poured
Rainbow Salad with Protein Dressing Served
Rainbow Salad with Tasteless Protein
Rainbow Salad with Tomato Salsa Protein Dressing Served