Summer Peach Crisp

Summer Peach Crisp Outside with Tasteless Protein

Stay fresh this warm season with our Summer Peach Crisp – absolutely divine in the mouth and friendly in the tummy.

Although we used peaches in this recipe, it works with plumbs too and it’s just gorgeous when you add it with a spoon of Crème Fraiche or your favourite yoghurt!

Ingredients for Summer Peach Crisp

5 large peaches
1 tablespoon crystalized ginger finely sliced (optional)
3 scoops of Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
½ cup Apple Ginger Juice
1 tablespoon Apple Puree
2 tbsp cornflour
2 tbsp Truvia Caster Sugar

Crumble Topping
½ cup almond flour
½ cup rolled oats
¼ teaspoon salt
2 Scoops of Tasteless Protein by Feel Good Protein
¼ cup Truvia Brown Sugar Substitute
¼ cup walnuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons butter

Method for Summer Peach Crisp

Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees.

Slice up your beautifully ripe peaches and arrange in a nonstick brownie pan.

Sprinkle finely chopped crystalized ginger over the top of the peaches.

In a small bowl with Apple and Ginger juice in it, add all of the dry ingredients for the base of the Peach Crisp. Mix everything until well combined and free of lumps.

Pour this mixture over the peaches and then make the crumble topping.

In a large bowl add all of the dry ingredients and mix together.

Add the melted butter and mix through until a bread crumb consistency is reached.

Pour the mixture over the top of the peaches and bake in the oven for 20 -25 minutes or until your desired level of crispiness is achieved.

Remove from the oven and serve with fresh berries and whipped lite cream or yoghurt. Enjoy your Summer Peach Crisp!


Calories per 100 grams 135
Carbs 16.1 grams
Protein 5.9 grams

Ingredients for Summer Peach Crisp
Other Ingredients for Summer Peach Crisp
Peach Assembled
Ingredients on Tray
Peach Crisp
Tasteless Protein Inside Summer Peach Crisp
Summer Peach Crisp
Cream Added
Summer Peach Crisp Served
Dig in Summer Peach Crisp
Taking the First Scoop of Summer Peach Crisp
Summer Peach Crisp Yummy